Exiles 2


Habitually carrying her Leica camera, Matilde takes photographs around her neighbourhood in North London. She has selected a number of these images to enlarge and recreate as screen prints, hand-printing onto the challenging surface of a black plastic bin bag. The uneven surface of each of these art works emphasises the individuality as well as the ephemerality of each of our lives. She displays these as sculptural art works, filled with yesterday’s news and discarded packaging, to show how those in higher authority may view our lives as cheap, valueless and disposable. In sharp contrast, however, four of these works (including this one) are available in a very small edition and framed, so that each work of art is turned into something precious and revered.



Additional information


Screen print on plastic bin bag



Original / Edition

Limited edition of 7 plus 2 AP's


83 x 63 cm


Matilde Damele is an Italian photographer, currently living and working in London. Before living in London, Matilde spent 15 years living and working in New York, where she had been granted a visa as a photo-journalist. When immigration laws in the United States suddenly changed, however, Matilde was denied a visa renewal and re-entry into the country. The unexpected and abrupt change severely interrupted her life and ambitions, causing a permanent sense of loss and displacement. Following a move to London she saw her uncertainties and fears mirrored in the faces of many of her neighbouring immigrant communities. The project, Exiles, explores a sense of not belonging to a life that is currently being lived; a humanity that is emotionally homeless and exiled from its surroundings; feelings of estrangement from reality.

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